“Voters? We don’ need no steenkin voters!”


Miron vetoes Long Beach West referendum
Article Last Updated: 08/12/2008 12:38:11 AM EDT

STRATFORD — Just when it looked like there would finally be a decision Monday night over whether Stratford should sell the 35-acre Long Beach West to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Mayor James R. Miron vetoed a Town Council decision to let the voters decide the issue in a November referendum….

…”I know on the surface that sending this to the voters to decide seems to make the most sense from a democratic standpoint,” said Miron, who has stated publicly he believes 80 percent of the town’s residents favor the sale.

“But there are several key problems with it,” the mayor said.

“We have four Charter Revision questions currently on the ballot and two other questions, and this would be the seventh,” Miron said. “I don’t think we would get a true vote count of the people who will come out strongly to vote for president but not for this kind of referendum question.”

Ok, let’s see if we have this straight. According to Mayor Moron’s “scientific” polling methods, 80% of the voters favor this “sale”. Turnout for this November’s general election is anticipated to be the highest in memory. But, alas, we poor ignorant voters are simply not equipped to handle more than two or three referendum questions at a time. Never mind that the Charter “revisions” merely changed the font, corrected grammatical errors and fixed some typos.

You would think that with 80% of the voters in favor of this “sale” a referendum question would be a non-event.

…or….could it be that some voters might actually read this agreement and figure out that there is no guarantee of anything? Nah.

108 Responses to ““Voters? We don’ need no steenkin voters!””

  1. 1 mikereynolds

    Thanks to Mayor Moron for talking away my say in what happens in this town.

    And who were the spineless jellyfish on the town council who wouldn’t vote with the majority to overturn his veto?

    One thing Mayor Moron can’t do is stop me from voting for his opponent next November.

  2. 2 jezebel282


    “And who were the spineless jellyfish on the town council who wouldn’t vote with the majority to overturn his veto?”

    Gavin Forrester, Amy Wanamaker and Alvin O’Neal. Emma Brooks wasn’t there.

  3. 3 mikereynolds

    I figured Amy and Alvin…but Gavin too? I’m shocked. Nice going Gavin. Way to throw away my vote for you.

  4. 4 starlooker

    Let me see, this is the same ALVIN that called the mayor a Liar? Or was he practicing to get a job as an actor in a Shakespeare play. Is the Mayor afraid that if there was a vote on the ballot in Nov. it would not come out as 80% and he would have to eat those words? I am rather shocked with Gavin, the others are a given.

  5. 5 mikereynolds

    Great point Star….Alvin stands up and calls the mayor a liar during a presentation on LBW. So when Alvin has a chance to stand up against the mayor he shrinks from the challenge. Is it possible to have less than zero respect for a person?

  6. 6 jezebel282


    “A visibly angry O’Neal then challenged Miron and Spear. “We have been told the boardwalk would be included in the actual contract, not that it would be pending the approvals of regulatory agencies afterward,” he said.

    O’Neal said he was also upset that, under the contract, the town would still retain responsibility and legal liability for the peninsula until the land is turned over officially to the federal government in about five years.

    There’s a lot of things coming out about this agreement that are of a major concern,” O’Neal said.”

    To be fair to both Gavin and Alvin, there really is nothing to put on a ballot yet. There is no contract, just a “best efforts” agreement by a third party. Putting it on a ballot won’t provide any guarantees at all for Stratford residents. Five years from now we may be in the same position with the exception that 41 parcels of land may have been redeveloped and resold for millions of dollars.

    This proposal simply needs more work. We can’t be the only side with liability for 5 years without any sort of guarantee.

    As for Amy Wanamaker…well she does have an MBA, you know.

  7. 7 starlooker


    I understand now. I just want to make sure there is nothing funny going on and we end up losing in the end. I just feel we should not jump into anything until we have the facts in a legal document. I have a PHD in common sense, so I am up one on Amy.

  8. 8 jezebel282


    It’s easy to be confused. The “reason” given by Mayor Moron is, well, moronic. If you claim to have 80% support for a deal you concocted (and lied about) then you would love for it to go to the voters.

    If, on the other hand, you’ve been lying about the 80% as well as lying about the deal…..

  9. 9 mikereynolds

    And I guess the rumors of something “big” happening last night never came to fruition?

  10. 10 jezebel282


    Apparently not. The suspense is killing me. Whatever it is, I hope they set bond at a ridiculously high amount and there are handcuffs and a perp walk included.

  11. 11 sudds


    “I figured Amy and Alvin…but Gavin too? I’m shocked. Nice going Gavin. Way to throw away my vote for you.”

    Umm… Gavin (once again) actually earned my vote again last night!!!

    How can the Republicans vote to put “it” on the ballot when we have no idea as to what “it” is???


    Star… “I am rather shocked with Gavin”… “I have a PHD in common sense”… what school is it from… maybe we should contact them to have it revoked… as you apperantly want to vote/approve a bunch of maybe’s!!!


    Jez… “As for Amy Wanamaker…well she does have an MBA, you know.” Exactly… we all know that people with MBA’s are clearly better than those without one!!! (LOL)

    PS… you also left off that she’s a hottie!!!

    PPS… I’d like to know where Miron got his stats from… sure if he, his dad, his bro, and his sis are for it, but someone who actually has a brain is against it… then he’s at his 80%… but I am NOT happy with that sampling pool!!!

  12. 12 freedomofspeach

    My guess between the new blog and his veto last night, they both are a distractor to change the focus on the potential event. A veto that he knows will kill any chance of reelection? Officersean supporting the new blog?? Its clearly a ploy to lighten the disaster that is rumored to be on the way.

  13. 13 sudds

    “How can the Republicans vote to put “it” on the ballot when we have no idea as to what “it” is???”

    My god… first I wanted Hillary and now this!!! WTF is going on here… I’m actually starting to lean towards the Democrats!!! 😯

    Oh that’s right… our town Republicans are obviously proving that they really are jsut a bunch of lemming-like retards!!!

    Actually… I’d like to revoke that last statement… no reason to disrespect those with mental retardation by comparing them to the Republican members of our TC!!!

  14. 14 mikereynolds

    Ok so what exactly were they voting on last night? Was the issue to put the vote to a referendum and then decide the language of the referendum or was there language already drawn up?

    The issue of selling or not selling should definately go to a referendum.

    I don’t disagree that we need to know what we’re exactly going to vote on but now that the referendum has been defeated does that mean that it cannot be brought up again?

  15. 15 jezebel282


    “Oh that’s right… our town Republicans are obviously proving that they really are jsut a bunch of lemming-like retards!!!”

    It’s just the street gang mentality that always gets the DTC and RTC in trouble. Instead of putting “it” on a ballot, they should have passed a resolution stating that the “agreement” was unacceptable in it’s current state and directing the Mayor (or whoever) to go back and get some written guarantees.

    These are neither Democrats nor Republicans. They are only Street Gangs fighting turf wars. Just look at the DTC site….Barak Who?

  16. 16 starlooker


    Jez explained it to me and YES I get it now. How can you place something on a ballot where there is no legal document on LBW…. I could never jump into something without the t’s crossed and the i’s dotted. It just gets very frustrating not getting the answers and why does the Mayor want to jump into this so fast. The public has yet to see a legal document about the parking lot. When you read all the time the Mayor claims 80% are for it but when speaking to people around Town they are against it until they know more it gets very frustrating again. This whole mess could be settled very easily if we were shown something, and I mean a legal document as to the sales with no strings attached. If they want it bad enough they will wait until we all know more.

  17. 17 jezebel282


    Considering there are only 3 comments all posted by “anonymous”, I don’t think Officer Sean has all that much to be excited about. You’d think that Mayor Moron would have been satisfied by plastering his mug all over our Town Website. I guess when your ego is that big, it’s never enough.

  18. 18 gforrester

    Ladies and Gentlemen;

    I’ll give you my perspective on occurred last night and why I voted the way that I did.

    First off we had two charter revision commissions in this decade, one that opted to change the form of Government to Mayor/Council and one that offered amendments to that Charter. Neither one of them suggested that we change the form of Government from a Representative Democracy to a referendum based Representative Town Meeting format.

    For all of you that say you had no voice or no vote in the matter yes you did, it was called the Council Elections, in which you select representatives to the Town Council, the same as you elected State and Federal Representatives to the State House and Congress. In a “perfect” world I would imagine that you might have wanted a referendum prior to the United States engaging in the Iraq War, or before we decide off short drilling, or any other major issue that will affect our lives. Or maybe we should have a referendum on all State projects like using our tax dollars to build a full exchange at exit 33 off I-95, or the purchase of new rail cars for Metro North, or any other major state project. That’s just not the form of government that we have in place.

    What the Republican Majority of the Council did last evening was attempt to pass the responsibility of making any decision on the subject to the voters so that they could wash their hands of it. That way no matter what happens it wasn’t their fault come November 2009.

    What happened was that the Council went into executive session, asked questions, made suggestions on contract language, and then the Republican’s walked out on the floor and popped the question? The question to be placed on the ballot by referendum was never on the agenda, oh Long Beach West was on the agenda to ask questions of the TPL and F & W, but the idea of a referendum was not and in fact no written question was submitted to ALL OF the members of the council to debate. No what we got was Councilman Kubic reading from a piece of paper stating that the question would basically be a simple YES or NO, to sell or not to sell, What I then stated was we still don’t have a final version of the contract so what are we asking the voting public do cast a ballot on?

    No terms – no dollars amount – no alternative if Stratford keeps the property. Just a simple yes or no, oh but wait there is something that I left out.

    IF THE ANSWER WAS YES THE COUNCIL COULD CONTINUE TO NEGIOATE WITH TPL & F & W BUT IF WE STILL DON’T LIKE THE DEAL THE REFERENDUM WAS NON-BINDING. That’s right folks – the public could say yes but if the Council still doesn’t like the deal then to hell with it, forget those people that voted to sell, the Council would then re-assume it’s role and off on their merry way that would go. Don’t believe me – listen to the tapes, watch the 9th District Councilman on TV follow along with his words. Paraphrasing, The Council still has the power not to sell regardless of the outcome of the vote.

    Now to answer Mike Reynolds, no it doesn’t mean that the idea of a referendum is dead. The prevailing side can, at the next meeting or a special meeting, ask to reconsider the vote. While I have a philosophical disagreement to the Council posing referendums (and I disagree with the Town Attorney that the public lost the right to petition a question on the ballot) I will agree to amend that position if the following were to occur.

    1) If the Referendum was BINDING on the Council. Not a publicity stunt but a pure vote of the electorate and if it’s yes then that’s it – the Council can’t change its mind or purposely screw it up.
    2) The terms of the Contract are agreed to by the Council published in advance of the election. In other words the Town Attorney and TPL/F&W agree to a final document, the Council agrees to no more changes, and that’s what the people are voting on. None of this vote yes and the Council can still back out or change the deal later. Let’s make this a pure referendum and not a political ploy to grab headlines and say that the “Democrats are afraid of the voters”.
    3) And I would like to see a direction that the Public wants to take if the vote is NOT to sell. Ok we don’t sell then what – you have a bunch of rotting cottages that the Town spend $100’s of Thousands of dollars and court costs to evict people who’s leases were not renewed, you have a beach that is not maintained, is a great spot for vandals and others to hang out and party, and the plovers are protected anyway because they are on the endangered species list and the Fed’s and rope the area off anyway just like they did at Short Beach. If the Town keeps it then let’s have those people like Mr. Best & Mr. Kaolian step up to the plate and put there tax dollars where their mouths are because, from my reading, there are not enough grants available to clean and maintain the property. They all want to volunteer to go out there and have a massive clean up – great – I’ll be right there with them. But to vote no and just let it rot is not a win for Stratford either.

  19. 19 lauradobosz

    Well said, Councilman. Thank you for that update/summary.

  20. 20 jezebel282

    Mr. Forrester,

    Thank you for taking the time to explain your position. While I do not agree that referendums are a shirking of responsibility, I do agree that there was precious little to put on a ballot.

    It was akin to saying “Would you sell your home for $1 Million?” My answer would be “yes”. Of course, there is no one guaranteeing me $1 million.

    We have the same situation here. There is no contract to put on a ballot. You can hardly blame Mr. Kubic (let’s try to stay away from the gang wars) after Miron’s “political ploy to grab headlines” in his state of the Town address. About the only thing he didn’t promise was limo service to the beach provided by the USF&W.

    By the way, why are Miron’s reasons for the veto COMPLETELY different than yours? That seems to be the reason for the headlines.

    And are you going to vote to amend the Charter to create a full time Town Attorney at a salary before it goes on the ballot?

  21. 21 mikereynolds

    Thanks for the update. Its certainly clears up a few things.

    I don’t think we should sell LBW. Especially not to a middleman and certainly not under these conditions. If that land is so valuable its worth more that $10 million and if its so valuable why isn’t USFWS coming to us directly?

    I’d rather see my tax money spent on LBW than on the folly that is the SFT.

  22. 22 mikereynolds

    Gee…no mention of conspiracies….no Trilateral commission….no CIA/FBI collaborations.

  23. 23 jezebel282


    You missing something Mike?

    Mr. Forrester,

    Does anyone on your Town Committee know who this Obama guy is?

  24. 24 sudds

    Jez… Obama is going to win CT by a landslide… why should they waste their time with him????

  25. 25 sudds

    Kudos Mr. Forrester!!!

    Now just remember to keep your head moving as the counter attacks start coming!!! (repeat after me… stick-and-move… stick-and-move)

  26. 26 jezebel282


    I know Obama is going to cream McCain in CT. I would just feel a little better if someone on the Democratic Town Committee knew he was running.

  27. 27 sudds

    But… but… but… the annual picnic is coming up!!!

  28. 28 jezebel282


    Geeze, can you imagine eating with those people?

  29. 29 sudds

    H*LLS YES… Wanamaker is a Dem!!! 😈

  30. 30 jezebel282


    Wanamaker? I hope they have plenty of food!

    (When was the last time you saw an optometrist, by the way?)

  31. 31 sudds

    Unsportsmanlike penalty on Jez… no posting for 15 minutes allowed!!!

  32. 32 jezebel282


  33. 33 lauradobosz

    Pretty disgusting posting today Jeze. what? Did Gavin shut down any other point you might have been trying to make?

    Town Committees are about the TOWN. While the RTC chooses to state their love of bush and mccain on their site, that really has nothing to do with Stratford or their committee.

    Mike, if you would rather use our tax $ for LBW, (which we all know we do not have a surplus of), would you kindly provide your thoughts on Gavin’s point #3? Thanks in advance.

  34. 34 mikereynolds

    Engaging in debate here? Were you up too late last night watching the Olympics? 🙂

    Anyway, my thoughts on Gavin’s point #3 are that he certainly paints a gloomy picture for this town’s ability to take care of LBW. Now, I’m not in much of a position to argue with him. He knows more about it than I do.

    I’m not about to say definitively we can find the money somewhere. Maybe can, maybe we can’t. We can certainly try can’t we? How about having the mayor’s crack admin staff and grant writers try to get some money to get the ball rolling? School’s not in session so I’m sure Ashley has time to spare.

    I haven’t been in Stratford long, only 10 years, so I don’t know the long standing history between the town and the cottage owners. I can say just on what I have read that I was on the side of the cottage owners. I didn’t have a problem with them. How much money did the town spend to get them evicted? By the way, didn’t they offer to pay more than $10 million to stay where they were?

    If they’re looking for volunteers to help clean up, sign me up. I think it would be cool to work out there. Honestly, I’ve never been there. I’ve looked at pictures and sat photos and its looks like a great place to explore and hang out.

    As Gavin stated, “But to vote no and just let it rot is not a win for Stratford either.
    “. I agree with Gavin. But guess what? If we enter into an agreement with TPL that land could actually sit there for 5 years and rot while TPL tries to come up with funding to clean up the area and also pay the town the $10 million. And if they fail to live up to the agreement, we’re right back to square one when we could have been doing something instead of waiting for TPL.

    I would soften my no-sell stance if we actually had a good deal on the table. What TPL is offering is a promise. How about USFWS come to us directly and enter into a binding contract with the town to clean up the cottages, provide us real access, and pay us for the land? If this land is so valuable to the environment I don’t think those parameters are too much to ask for.

  35. 35 gforrester

    “And are you going to vote to amend the Charter to create a full time Town Attorney at a salary before it goes on the ballot?”

    Jez the Charter questions were already voted upon and no a full time paid Town Attorney was not one of the proposals.

    Mike I understand your point about the number of years before the deal closes but are you aware that, from the information we have been given and the research done, that not one deal that TPL has been involved in with Fish and Wildlife has ever fallen thru for a lack of funding, and with Congress, especially a Democratic Congress, they love environmental issues and always finds ways to come up with the money spread out over a few budgets.

    Hey I’m all for keeping the Long Beach West property and I wish we had the financial resources to clean it up and make it a show piece for the State. We’re getting the costs now and the demolition of the cottages is between $600,000 and $1,000,000 depending on the materials involved (asbestos shingles have been found so as we all know that’s a special clean up in itself). I would love to buy the proper equipment to groom the beaches every day like we used to at short beach, have staff down there to police the place and keep it clean, but if the council proposed that in the budget you know what the response would be, we’re forcing seniors out of town because taxes are too high, I’m putting my house for sale because taxes are too high, Stratford can’t maintain a little league field let alone 35 acres of beachfront e.t e.t e.t.

    Now maybe there is grant money for a part of the clean up and some grant money to make improvements but in the long term our ability to run deficits like the Federal Government is limited lol.

    So it comes back to what is the referendum designed to do and how will it be written?

  36. 36 lauradobosz

    “I’m not about to say definitively we can find the money somewhere. Maybe can, maybe we can’t. We can certainly try can’t we? How about having the mayor’s crack admin staff and grant writers try to get some money to get the ball rolling? School’s not in session so I’m sure Ashley has time to spare.”

    If we had money that we could find somewhere, could we not paint the concession stand at Short Beach, refurbish the Paddle Tennis courts and clean out the restrooms/portal-potties? Never mind the pavilions.

    Which should we attack first, without Jeze screaming about tax increases? Short Beach repairs, Long Beach maintenance issues or Long Beach West? (Note that I did not even bring SFT into the conversation.) I wonder where you think this tax money will come from? How would we try to maintain the land? We have been trying to solve developments in this Town for decades. If you want to play the altruistic card, then come up with suggestions. Again, I would like to see your response to Gavin’s #3, Mike.

    The bottom line is that to send the issue of LBW to referendum would have been absurd. The Mayor was correct in vetoing it. We have no contract solidified. We have an option on the table that our elected Councilmen should have been able to negotiate and come to an agreement on. Trouble with our Council is that most of them are back to “politics as usual” and are cowards when it comes to committing to anything. Typical small town politics. “We won’t let the other team win, no matter what”. OR.. “I am facing another election and don’t want to piss anyone off”. Super.
    Particularly when you are looking at volunteer positions. One might hope that a desperation to be re-elected in a volunteer position would not be encouraged by party affiliations. One might be wrong.

    This entire referendum issue was so blatantly political, I found it embarrassing. Stratford politics does not just end at this blog, or even the CT Post. We are a Town and these ridiculous political actions only reflect back on us, as a Town. Not unlike Bridgeport. I am tired of the age old political B.S taking place in Stratford and dragging our Town’s name through the CT Post/mud.

    What is it going to take for these small-town elected officials to finally remove their own egos from the benefit of the tax payers? What is it going to take to get our Council to accomplish anything? Gavin was right. We elected individuals to work for us. What is it going to take to get those individuals that we elected to commit to issues and vote conclusively? Basically, what will it take for them to do their job? Didn’t Henrick win by only a small margin, or was that Kubic? Both? I just remember the whole “politics as usual” campaign theme on both ends and they have both snubbed that campaign promise in the face. (over and over again) Their districts should be proud, right?

    Heck, I hate the way Joe Lieberman votes, but at least he does. At least our State and US Congress representatives DO vote. Not always in the favor of their constituents, either. But on an average they represent those who voted for them. They don”t say, “well, cant my state answer this for me and vote in November?”


  37. 37 gforrester

    You know what was not reported last night was the following:

    Passage of a revised Blight Ordinance which give the enforcement officer the ability to write a citation and start the legal process in the field rather than wait for a quarterly committee meeting.

    Passage of a Resolution against consolidation of toxic waste in residential neighborhoods.

    And this new transportation committee to include two member of the advisory committee that Pat Sperling is on.


    Sponsored by:
    Hon. Gavin B. Forrester III, Councilman, 3rd District

    WHEREAS: The increase in price of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel have the potential to impact ridership of public transportation and;

    WHEREAS: The Town of Stratford has a Metro North Rail Road Station located within its border and;

    WHEREAS: The Town of Stratford has a need to review the level of services currently provided to its citizens and to insure that those services are able to expand to meet the potential of future demand.


    THAT: The Town Council hereby creates the Transportation Advisory Committee to monitor and advise the Council on transportation issues to include the development, maintenance and improvement of systems for the transportation of people and goods and the development of transit facilities, including transportation centers and parking facilities, within the geographical limits of Stratford by rail, motor carrier or other means of land transportation deemed essential for the welfare of the citizens living and working in such area or areas and for the development of the resources, commerce and industry located within such service area where the development and maintenance of modern, efficient and adequate systems of mass transportation are required as a matter of public necessity.

    THAT: The Committee be comprised of Two Members of the Stratford Town Council (One Republican and One Democratic Member); Both Representatives of the Town of Stratford assigned to the Greater Bridgeport Transit Authority; Two Members of the Current Citizens Metro North Advisory Committee, Tow Members of the Greater Stratford Business Community, and the Mayor and or his designee.

    THAT: The Committee will meet a minimum of four times per annum and will report their findings and recommendations to the Stratford Town Council on a minimum of once per annum.

  38. 38 lauradobosz

    Positive things/ accomplishments don’t get posted here, Gavin. Sorry. 😦

  39. 39 mikereynolds

    I’ve answer Gavin’s point to the best of my ability. If that’s not enough for you I apologize. I’m just a hard working citizen who has an opinion. I don’t know everything like you wanna-be council members and council members. I’m just voicing my opinion. We can disagree that’s ok.

    You’re right….we can’t take care of our parks and fields now, how can we possibly take care of LBW? Let’s sell it all. Sell Short Beach, Long Beach, Long Beach West, all the fields and parks and let someone else manage it. When something becomes too hard to manage or too costly sell it.

    “Positive things/ accomplishments don’t get posted here, Gavin. Sorry”

    That’s crap and you know it. Jeze has asked you to post positive things/accomplishments from your boy Mayor Miron but you either haven’t had the guts to post it or there’s nothing to post. Which is it?

  40. 40 lauradobosz

    Reading back while watching Olympics… lol

    Mike, I must have posted closely to your post. I did not want to see your “response” to Gavin’s #3 in so much as I wanted you to suggest some solutions. Obviously, a “response” is as simple as an opinion. A suggestion toward a solution is something else. That was what I was hoping you might have an idea for.

  41. 41 mikereynolds

    “A suggestion toward a solution is something else. That was what I was hoping you might have an idea for.”

    Sorry, I’ll quit my full time job or give up time with my family to research some solutions that our elected folks can’t or won’t.

    Don’t get me wrong Gavin, I do respect that council members work for free and give up plenty of free time.

    I’m just pointing out that most regular joe citizens don’t have that kind of time to come up with suggestions that Laura is looking for nor do they have ready access to the information that our elected leaders do.

  42. 42 lauradobosz

    LOL! Again, we post at the same time. Is this the universe talking?

    As for my posting accomplishments of our current Town Hall Administration, I have done that numerous times and Jeze/ et al brushes it aside and ignores me. We have covered this topic ad nauseum. It bores me at this point and I refuse to engage again. Scroll through the archives and you will find my thoughts. (unless Jeze edited me, as he did George. lol)

    The real point of this discussion though, I thought, was LBW. I never suggested that we sell every park and recreation area in Stratford to the government. That suggestion was a bit dramatic, don’t you think? My question to you, Mike, in regards to Gavin’s #3, was for you to spell out, what you thought might be a feasible approach to solving the LBW issue, if we DID take it on as tax payers. Other than just saying, “well, we’ll just pay for it” , how do you envision that would take place? Where would you suggest we begin? You are a taxpayer who would prefer their $ go towards LBW. Ok. Fair. So how? What is your best idea as to how we can go forward? I think those are the kinds of statements we should hear, as a town. Who has options for us and what are they? That was what I read in Gavin’s #3 part of his post. That is what I was wondering if you could answer. If not the sale, then what?

    (Is that clear?)


  43. 43 lauradobosz

    Again, double posting….

    However, Regular Joe Citizens sure do reserve the right to critique the job that is done by those said volunteers. Don’t you see a bit of hypocrisy in your statement, Mike?

    Elected Councilmen do not have information just tossed on their laps. They have to do their own research and spend their own time. I am sure Gavin will back me up on this one. This is something I learned first hand, when I ran for Council. It is not like information for every situation that Stratford faces, including LBW is just ponied in its full to the Council. They often have to do research on their own and even if the pony has some of the information, there are questions that various councilmen might have that they just might have to research on their own. This is a small town, comparatively. We have no research assistant. Councilmen have to oftentimes do the foot work on their own. I don’t think you should be so disrespectful of that fact.

    Regular Joe Councilmen who volunteer to serve their Town should not be disrespected, no matter what party they are from. If they have the time to investigate and fight for their beliefs for our Town, then the Regular Joe Opinionated Blogger who does not have the time commitments that they do, but who is full of opinions, can do the same.

  44. 44 stratfordobserver

    What’s disappointing is that there are valid points being made by both sides here, but more time gets spent trashing other posters than establishing a list of alternatives. If there’s one thing I’ve come to understand in the last few months it’s that a lot of people complain without offering counter-proposals. Worse, wild speculation on the Topix boards doesn’t serve anyone’s interests but the trolls. I was surprised to find out that Mr. Forrester posted on here, and it was a refreshingly reasoned response. What followed was a great discussion that remained on point. It’s moments like this that make this such a great blog to read! Well done, Jez.

  45. 45 jezebel282


    Thank you. I had always hoped that valid discussions and truth sprinkled with some humor would be a service to Stratford.

    Gee, my name sure comes up a lot in Ms. Dobosz’ posts. So I’ll give it a go:

    “Pretty disgusting posting today Jeze.”

    Really? I should agree with Sudds that Amy Wanamaker is a “Hottie”? Sorry, she’s not my type.

    “Did Gavin shut down any other point you might have been trying to make?”

    Nope. Mr. Forrester pretty much reinforced my point. There is nothing to put on the ballot. There is no firm contract of sale, no guarantee, no nothing. Only liability. It’s not even with the buyer. When Mr. Forrester is right, I generally tend not to argue with him and tell him he’s right. You should really read the words from time to time, Ms. Dobosz. It would make your posts more interesting.

    “Town Committees are about the TOWN.While the RTC chooses to state their love of bush and mccain on their site, that really has nothing to do with Stratford or their committee.”

    Sorry, the words “Republican” and “Democratic” threw me. I thought maybe they were affiliated in some way with the Republican or Democratic parties. Maybe that’s why Miron endorsed Lieberman instead of the Democratic candidate, Ned Lamont. These committees have nothing to do with members of either national party? Thanks for clearing that up for us, Ms. Dobosz. My mistake. They are just little independent clubs.

    “Which should we attack first, without Jeze screaming about tax increases?”

    Nothing like a little gloss on an issue, huh? Like I am the only one screaming about high taxes? Maybe we can cut a million dollars or so from the Town Attorney’s budget (plus subsequent transfers to his account later), or maybe force the mayor to get by with two or three fewer assistants? Or perhaps take the $2.5 million we borrowed for the Theater and use it to clean up LBW? Or maybe not spend money on ridiculous things like producing videos of Mayor Moron and a few less signs with his name on it?

    “The Mayor was correct in vetoing it. We have no contract solidified.”

    Ms. Dobosz the only part of your sentence that is true is that the mayor vetoed it. The reason he gave was that we (you know, us voters?) were too ignorant to deal with two or more referendums at a time.

    “Trouble with our Council is that most of them are back to “politics as usual” and are cowards when it comes to committing to anything.”

    Nothing like a little name-calling, huh? I am sure you are including the DTC in that comment, right?

    “Didn’t Henrick win by only a small margin, or was that Kubic? Both?”

    Gee, somehow you forgot to mention that they were elected by a majority unlike Mayor Moron who only got 34% of the vote.

    “they have both snubbed that campaign promise in the face. (over and over again)”

    ROTFLMAO! You’re kidding right? This post is already too long or I would list all the campaign promises Mayor Moron made that he hasn’t kept.

    “They don”t say, “well, cant my state answer this for me and vote in November?””

    Fortunately, any one of them can be recalled, censured or reprimanded.

    “Positive things/ accomplishments don’t get posted here, Gavin. Sorry.”

    Of course they do, Ms. Dobosz. You just don’t read them. You don’t post them either.

    “As for my posting accomplishments of our current Town Hall Administration, I have done that numerous times and Jeze/ et al brushes it aside and ignores me. We have covered this topic ad nauseum. It bores me at this point and I refuse to engage again. Scroll through the archives and you will find my thoughts. (unless Jeze edited me, as he did George. lol)”

    I have never “brushed you aside”. Perhaps you are confused about where you post. There is nothing on this blog posted by you listing any accomplishment achieved by Mayor Moron in 2.5 years. Nothing. Mike is right, you either don’t have the guts or there is nothing to post. I have even given you a whole page (at your request) to do so. https://stratfordcharter.wordpress.com/2008/06/09/something-positive-about-miron/ Not a single post, Ms. Dobsz?

    As for editing George…well that was his choice, not mine. He also has his own page which I created specifically for him where he can post anything he wants totally unedited. But when he joins a discussion separated by topic and posts a historical and literary critique of Star Trek and the significance of Mr. Spock, that is spamming.

    Mr Forrester:

    “Jez the Charter questions were already voted upon and no a full time paid Town Attorney was not one of the proposals.”

    Sigh…I know. Too bad. We could have had an effective government.

    “You know what was not reported last night was the following:”

    Take heart, Mr. Forrester. I actually read that on the agenda before you posted it. I hoped it would pass. It is a great idea. I hope you follow up and have Pat Sperling appointed to the Committee (IF you can get Miron to approve her appointment.).

    Now…getting back to positive solutions.

    I am neither for nor against selling LBW to the USF&W. I am against airport expansion. Mr. Kaolian can go pound some Long Beach sand up his…never mind. I digress. If we are to sell LBW to anyone we must have a contract that specifies the Terms, Conditions and price. We do not have that now.

    “but are you aware that, from the information we have been given and the research done, that not one deal that TPL has been involved in with Fish and Wildlife has ever fallen thru for a lack of funding, and with Congress, especially a Democratic Congress, they love environmental issues and always finds ways to come up with the money spread out over a few budgets.”

    Mr. Forrester, I am not sure but are you familiar with the phrase “Past performance is no guarantee of future outcome”? The U.S. Government is running the largest deficit in history. Would you sell your home to a real estate agent who is “pretty sure” a buyer can come up with the cash in 5 years or so?

    Mike has a point about grants. I remember there was a very clever Economic Development Director in Stratford who figured out if she applied for a grant to make playgrounds handicapped accessible she could get grants to refurbish every single playground in Stratford. Of course, Miron got rid of her. But thank you for the playgrounds, Diane Toolan. Hmmm…maybe we can apply to get LBW made handicapped accessible?

  46. 46 1george1

    Gavin chaired C. R. C. # 1
    Kubic and Miron were on C. R. C. # 1
    Each came out against Budget Referendum, as did Julian, Henrich, Alvin.

    Emma was out.
    Stroomer and Dempsey rarely Talk.
    Amy said NOTHING about Budget Referendum.
    She read and I believe understood my 6 page handout to 73 people including
    the Mayor, Attorney, Council, Clerk, Press and Public
    Tom Moore did not state a position. He and I converse a lot about the FAC.

    Burturla was not happy.
    Body language, Miron, Gavin, Julian, and Kubic were least happy.


    Executive session is a great place to plan a Vote for posturing in which
    RICH WEISEL projected
    1. the MAYOR would VETO.
    2. the were NOT enough VOTES to overcome the VETO.


    I now am 99 % sure I know who Jeze, Freedom, Star, and Sudds
    (really) are, but I will NOT share.
    But if they are who I am 99 % sure they are, they have decided
    conflicts of interest.


    Be careful what you wish for…..

  47. 47 mikereynolds


  48. 48 jezebel282


    Welcome home.

    “I now am 99 % sure I know who Jeze, Freedom, Star, and Sudds
    (really) are, but I will NOT share.
    But if they are who I am 99 % sure they are, they have decided
    conflicts of interest.”

    You are the only one (besides Miron and the Mironistas) who seems to care. Conflict of interest? I doubt anyone you mentioned would profit in any way by expressing their opinions here.

  49. 49 1george1

    Do not like Jack Nicholson, but…
    “I’m backkkkkk…

    “I doubt anyone you mentioned would profit in any way by
    expressing their opinions here.”

    And if they are already PAID and getting PAID by certain people
    and governments, which formats their opinions? Different animal.

    Getting paid for the comments posted here?
    NO = I concur.
    Shear joy of freedom of expression and ticking off the
    BAD (each side) GUYS and getting people to think.

  50. 50 jezebel282



    “And if they are already PAID and getting PAID by certain people
    and governments, which formats their opinions? Different animal.”

    If I am, my check is going to the wrong address dammit!

  51. 51 freedomofspeach

    George welcome back.

    I am 100% sure you do not know who I am, although I would love to hear who you think I am. I have never been to a TC meeting in Stratford that I can remember.

    I receive no compensation from anyone in CT, or anyone with an interest in CT. Not for years.

    You dont “tick me off” when your comments are lucid. Your an asset to the blog and subject matter.

    So who am I?????

  52. 52 sudds


    Oh man am I missing out!!! Where do I apply*???

    * my loyalty can easily be purchased by either party if the price is right!!!!

  53. 53 stratfordobserver


    darn–I thought there was money in this

  54. 54 jezebel282


    The thanks you get by being compared to Hitler and called a “Fascist!” by George and insulted by Ms. Dobosz for every anti-Miron comment is a reward in and of itself.

    Sadly, neither are accepted at restaurants, departments stores or beauty salons.

  55. George, You should not make threats you do not intend to keep. It makes you less credible. You know you are addicted to all of this, don’t you? This is your life and that is okay. By the way, blaming Jez for Sudds was wrong. I came upon Sudds identity by accident all on my own – with no help from anyone, including you. He is my neighbor and I really like them. He is much different in real life.

  56. 56 sudds

    Ummm… thanks!?!?!? 😀

    PS… next time can you please work in how good looking I am in real life??? 😎

  57. 57 jezebel282


    Are you sure you’re not really Amy Wanamaker? I know Sudds thinks you’re hot, but I’m starting to get a cavity here…..

  58. 58 1george1

    If I posted on the blog, I would be breaking the rules, which I have not done.

    I made not threats.
    I keep my promises.
    What I know is the TIP of the ICEBERG compared to what is known,
    by many, many people in Stratford among political people, business
    people, employees, management, people in other localities, State,
    and Feds.
    see the blog PENSION TSUNAMI.
    Over PENSIONED Vampires are killing the goose which laid the golden eggs.
    They are protected, FOR NOW, while the BIG MONEY is skimmed locally,
    statewide, federally, and internationally – to put it into contect.
    Then there will be a changing of the guard, and innocent UNION people
    who played by the rules and others will see their PENSIONS trashed.
    > I expect to be no where near the situation.
    > It is obvious.
    > I am trying to protect lives in Stratford and elsewhere, as well as keep
    people from Jail and being disbarred. The system has checks and balances’
    which you and your friends, as well as those you criticise rig them for your
    own benefit, DON’T YOU CyclCOPS? ;

    To all: comparing Stratford political parties:
    The difference between the “OLD MAFIA” and the political parties is that
    the OLD (Gambino) MAFIA did not sanction Drug traffic, were not hypocrites,
    were not cowards, and actually had codes of honor.
    Similarities abound countlessly, including Ometa and the Blue Wall or the
    Court House Gang. Ever notice there are the same 20 or so Lawyers mucking
    up Stratford and many of them worked for the State and have served in Town
    Councils; Town Attorneys; and Town Committees.

    Silence is consent
    I do not run.
    I do not hide.
    I do not use phoney names, like criminals who use alias, right CyclCOPS,

    Exception: If Star looker or others are actively employee in government,
    reprisal, threats, blackmail, and harm to people and property are real in
    this town, which is known to a few of you, because it was done by some
    of your friends and opponents.

  59. 59 jezebel282


    Be careful. You are way off base with Cyclops. A more hardworking, honest, loyal and trustworthy person would be very very hard to find. Maybe impossible.

    Not agreeing with you is not the same as being evil, George.

  60. 60 sudds

    If Cyclops really is my neighbor then he/she can NOT be Wanamaker… I live no where near the Black Rock section of Bridgeport!!!

  61. 61 jezebel282


    You’re right. What was I thinking? I forgot that hottie Wanamaker doesn’t live in Stratford.

  62. Sudds and family are good lookin folks!

    George, you love dishing it out. I have made you angry and apparently my past dealings with you have colored your opinion of me. I really tried, many times to help you – I regret that you failed to see that in our association. You need professional assistance.

  63. 63 freedomofspeach

    Well George, you can email me at freedomspeach1@aol.com I know for a fact you do not know me. But cant wait to see who you think I am. As far as my alias as you say, its because I am a professional and there is no reason, as I have no dog in this fight, to be dragged through the mud by scum.

    And I thought some of the founding fathers used to write under assumed names, to protect their rights. Were they crooks too?

  64. 64 jezebel282


    I just hope you’re not a lawyer.

    You know how many lawyer jokes there are?

    Only one. All the rest are true.

  65. 65 freedomofspeach

    Watch our Stratford!!!! A freedom of speech issue.

    From the CTPOST

    $ 837K to fired Griswold town secretary
    Article Last Updated: 08/13/2008 04:29:40 PM EDT

    NEW LONDON (AP) — A town hall secretary fired by Griswold’s first selectwoman has been awarded nearly $837,000 in a wrongful-firing lawsuit.

  66. 66 1george1

    If I was correct in e-mailing you who I believe you to be, how would I know
    you would truthfully concur with my deduction? After all you are a Lawyer. 🙂

    Founding fathers were not the only people with pen names and war names.
    I could list many from world wide, only to be editted, where freedom of
    speech if limited by discretion or whim about “relevance.” 8)

    Some of your posts on the CT POST were very well written.

    Most posts were teasers.
    Most posts were extremely general and we know the most successful
    lawyers use facts as foundation, or political pull to rig the venue and

    If anything comes up in the next few months, on any subject, you can claim:

    In the CT. POST and this blog, the same people reinforce each others’
    positions and use similar terms, including ROTFLMAO. From a variety of
    sources and timing, it is easy to conclude SEVERAL of the SAME PEOPLE
    know each other VERY well and discuss their ISSUES off the blogs

    While I often disagree with Laura, at least she has original thoughts and
    does not depend on the gang up effect, which does not both me. BT-DT

    I am still waiting for her specific list of actual Miron accomplishments,
    which are in place and good for the Town.

    In fairness to the Mayor, there are decades of ongoing problems.
    But then, who are the people in both parties who have been causal?

  67. 67 1george1

    If out political justice system had integrity where
    Judges had honor
    Courts were not contemptable
    Enforcement was not political
    Management was not territorial
    Laws and rules were obeyed by politicos
    (above is foundation – below is conclusion)

    Then I would never have had to turn to the Town Council
    and there would never have be cause for PW, HAND or JEZE
    to create a BLOG.


    I do like your Avatar.
    I have a couple samples of the Harryhausen Cyclops.

  68. 68 jezebel282


    “Founding fathers were not the only people with pen names and war names.
    I could list many from world wide, only to be editted, where freedom of
    speech if limited by discretion or whim about “relevance.”

    You betcha!

  69. 69 freedomofspeach

    George. I have never posted anything on the CTPOST. Ever.

    Seems your very far off. Also, I do not use more than one name in this forum.

    You said you “know who I am” when asked you give a reason not to tell me directly.

    Like some of your posts, your have no idea.

  70. 70 1george1

    Freedom, if it was not you in the CT. POST or whereever the link I was sent,
    then someone is using your nom de blog.

    I can e-mail you my belief of who you are.
    What assurances will you give that you will acknowledge if I am correct?
    How do I confirm you are NOT who I believe you to be?

    On this point, I agree with you last 4 words – I have no idea
    (how to verify your contentions on who you are or are not?)

    Truthfully, I do not care.
    Except, I am interested in the conundrum of getting someone to admit
    something they have no interest or incentive to admit?

    FOS can stand for Freedom Of Speech or Full Of S….
    FOS has had that range in this blog and whoever is blogging on the other site.
    I am sure some readers feel the same about me.

    Sticks and Stones, as Mike might type …
    He likes those child like references.
    Now that he blogged he had a child, it makes more sense.
    Mike’s blogs are the most improved.
    Mike has has some good ideas.
    Mike has shown a more human side.

    We still won’t exchange christmas cards.
    But credit given, where due.

  71. 71 starlooker


    Freedom Of Speech and Justiceforall are 2 different names. Not the same.

  72. 72 freedomofspeach

    Well someone can be using my posting name someplace else, but just like the name thieves who steal names and post derogatory information on the post, they cant do it here because we have log in names, I would not be surprised. I would love to see what people posted under my pseudonym.

    With that, George, I guess until I know who you think I am and I get to refute that, then I have no idea what conflict of interest you think I have.

    I have none. I have opinions on things that I share, and prejudices (like anyone else) that I don’t. I try to present facts and keep on point. No one can dispute fact patterns and documentation.

  73. 73 1george1

    I will blog this.
    I believe you are local.
    You various locales have been inconsistent,
    in earlier blocks, draining credibility.
    I am 100 % sure you are in outside the blog
    contact with at least 1 other local blogger.

    You will deny.
    You can not prove me wrong.
    I can not prove you wrong.

    However, I am acting on good faith,

    I give you credit when your blogs are superior,
    just like I credit Mike on his improvements,
    Cyclops on general accuracy,
    Miron when he appears to do good.
    PCS on her persistance and research
    Laura on her willingness to nakedly post opinions in hostile fields.
    Star on her general comparative gentleness.

    When describing stratford you have facts and patterns.
    So do I.
    You do NOT produce documents on this blog. (other than newspapers)
    I have.

    When posting about you present situations and past, the patterns
    you were wildly inconsistent, as if hard to remember…
    ergo lacking veracity

  74. 74 mikereynolds

    I don’t know why you folks respond to George’s allegations.

    He’s just baiting you to engage in a silly argument over whether he knows who you are or not.

    Its classic attention getting behavior.

    If you haven’t noticed I stopped responding to George whether he complements me or not.

    If you ignore him he might actually blog on point.

  75. 75 freedomofspeach

    First George I am going to say I am not sure you are qualified or lucid enough to track anyone’s posts and make the determinations about me that you made.

    Second, I think that maybe you’re listening to the voices (and not the ones in your head) but the ones from those who don’t post here, and they are trying to get you to figure out who I am because they are at a loss to guess, and I seem to have a lot of information for someone who is not there.

    I am going to answer because what you stated is so absurd and you are unable to document your claims, then if you want to tell me who you think I am, fine if not, I am going to again ignore your incoherent rants and conclusions.

    “I believe you are local.”

    I am not and never have been a resident of Stratford, Bridgeport, or Fairfield County.

    ”You various locales have been inconsistent,
    in earlier blocks, draining credibility.”

    Show me where I have been inconstant on the fact that I am not in CT. You really can’t can you?

    I am sure Jez can confirm other than while traveling, I post from the same out of state IP addresses.

    ”I am 100 % sure you are in outside the blog
    contact with at least 1 other local blogger.”

    Wrong again. I have never to my knowledge met anyone who blogs here regularly, and don’t have any contact with anyone I know in the area.

    “You will deny. You can not prove me wrong. I can not prove you wrong.”

    Yes I can, but why waste my time.

    “However, I am acting on good faith,”

    No George I think your very unstable and sometimes non compos mentis.

    “I give you credit when your blogs are superior,”

    George, believe it or not, I don’t really care what you think about my blogs. I write what I feel and its my opinion. In addition, I write professionally. Someone thinks my thoughts have value and they pay me for them. With that, why would I need your credit for anything?

    “When describing Stratford you have facts and patterns.”

    Yes I comment and refer to the facts that are known to me. I base my opinions on the information that I have.

    ”So do I. You do NOT produce documents on this blog. (other than newspapers)
    I have.”

    George, yes you sometimes have documents. But I have no desire to spend what little time off I have researching things that don’t need to meet the Fed Rules of Evidence. Your “documents” are not really supportive of some of the things you proffer, but yes they are documents. And internet research on minde control.

    “When posting about you present situations and past, the patterns
    you were wildly inconsistent, as if hard to remember…
    ergo lacking veracity”

    No idea what your talking about here. I guess you’re going to have to cite an example where I have been inconstant, but reviewing my past posts, they seem very consistent. Unless you’re taking them out of context.

    I await your proffer on the statements you made. Not sure if you’re going to be able to do it, but I have an open mind. But again, I don’t want to waste anymore time on you and your strange thoughts on who I might be because George, you don’t know me, I don’t live there, and never did.

    Now if you want a treat to chat with your voices on. Try this, in my life I have worked with a lot of 1811’s in civilian life and 31 D (Deltas) in the Military. Maybe some that knew them.

  76. 76 jezebel282


    “If you ignore him he might actually blog on point.”

    Nice theory. Do you have any evidence of that?


    “I am sure Jez can confirm other than while traveling, I post from the same out of state IP addresses.”

    I could do that, but I am very busy today. There is work, the laundry, taking something out for dinner, checking out online bargains, my nails, and conspiring with my friends at the CIA and FBI….

  77. 77 1george1

    F O S

    No dog in the hunt.
    What if
    Cookies and ice cream

    You are mimicking phrases utter in Town Council chambers
    by different people.

    I believe you are local and a liar.

  78. 78 freedomofspeach

    George you’re truly nuts.

    I posted months ago that I had no dog in the fight.

    “What if” is common term, and you read my hypothetical that I used it in.

    Well cookies and ice cream is my favorite treat, you got me George, its better than DNA.

    I hope that you have sufficient medical insurance coverage to get the help you need. Calling people liars for cookies and cream comments truly proves how out of this world your thought process is. Last I looked we all speak the same language so the words are the same George.

    (Its sad I have to preface my remarks, but because your unstable, I have to say that this is a joke because if you do your liable to end up with a lot of physical damage during your arrest.)

    I have an idea, you have my permission to go up and punch the person you know that I am in the face. Oh, and George, enjoy your time at Whiting Forensic. The valley is nice in the fall.

    You’re getting less and less lucid and stable. I thought Miron was bad, but your catching up fast.

    George, for the last time, and after that if you call me a liar again, I am just going to ignore you totally and my guess everyone else will start again also. I am done attempting to give you factual and spirited debate because you have regressed into a psycho challenged individual with deep paranoid psychotic and anti-social tendencies.

    You’re wrong

    You don’t know me

    We have never met

    I don’t live or ever lived in Fairfield County

    And you’re not well. Get help.

  79. 79 citizenkane1


  80. 80 1george1


    You are LOCAL.
    You are a LIAR.
    I am anti-social, if being social means sucking up to SNOBBY,
    INSIDER TRADERS, who are RACIST, and supporters of a
    decadent system, broken by people of TRUST and PROFIT
    from which you claim you do so well, financially hob nobbing
    with your sorority brothers. (That’s the GAY frat.)

    Wipe off your nose.
    The BROWN stuff is drippin from being up FOS posterior.

  81. 81 freedomofspeach

    So much for you being intelligent.

    You said you knew who I was, then said you would not out me on the blog, and yet now you wont tell me off the blog. The reason is, you don’t have a clue.

    And you cant, we never met. I don’t post on the CTPOST blog, I see someone has accused another blogger of being me, in typical form, and after reading that persons posts, not even close. The only thing is that he sounds like he has some law enforcement background.

    Now you’re calling me gay. When people are unstable and can’t deal with truth and the facts, they turn to name calling. So you’re a homophobe as well as a racist. I used to think better of you, now I can see you’re simply a sick individual who cannot control the voices.

    Crawl back into your tin foil lined room and close the door tight.

  82. 82 jezebel282

    George, FOS;


    Enough already. There is certainly enough to discuss in this Town without the two of you bickering.

    George, this seems to be attack month for you. Unfortunately your choice of targets is other bloggers. You’ve had turns at Cyclops, FOS, me…

    Guessing at someone’s identity may be a fun exercise (it seems to keep Mironistas occupied) it is boring after a while. It also keeps new posters from voicing their opinions.

    So I’m asking everyone (for the record), play nice.

  83. 83 1george1

    I was teasing you, since you are pompous without a sense of humor.

    Why would you consider calling you gay to be anti-gay?
    I thought I was complimenting you?

    One of my cousins is extremely successful in the Food Industry.
    She and her husband worked for everything they have and one of their
    twins graduated college with honors, while another has a birth issue.
    Her husband was raised by his gay brother, who is world renoun in his field.

    The cook @ Mr. P’s is gay and cousin to a former Stratford Police Capt.

    In my life, I never had issue.

    However, your perception and insults confirm you are anti-gay.

    You already blogged how you and your life time friends use each other to
    help each other financially.
    Some call that politics.
    Some call it the way of the world.
    How is INSIDER TRADING defined?

    You have proven you are devoid of empathy, humor, and a low life who
    uses the LEGAL TRICKERY of trying to DEMONIZE your opponent as having
    a MENTAL ISSUE, when you lack the INTELLECTUAL CAPACITY to otherwise
    win a DEBATE.

    You are a LIAR.
    I still believe you are LOCAL.
    You are a LAWYER.
    You are a GOOD WRITER, when focused.
    I never expected the TRUTH or capacity to advocate MY Freeedom of Speach,
    since you are also an EGO MANIACAL, SELF ABSORBED, CUBBY HOLE, who would
    BAN peoples WORDS, THOUGHTS, and DEEDS, if they didn’t subscribe to your

    I agree with your assessment that IF you were not on the CT. POST Blog, who
    ever posed as you has a POLICE background, as do a few of the bloggers here.
    GREAT MINDS think alike = same conclusion. 😉
    I also posted there twice, in that the huge number of rapid fire posts seem
    to be mutually reinforcing and similar. If it was only one to two people doing
    all of those post, under multiple names and IF they came from this blog, what
    mental stability and rate of obsession would you ascribe to him / her / them?
    > Oh I forgot…. you agree with them.

    Jim Miron = BAD
    Dick Miron = BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD
    Dick Burturla = BAD + GREEDY

    I disagree with Jim. Caught him in lies and not doing things he knows are right.
    The DICKS are pathetic.
    I have KNOWN WORSE, but then you would call for TIN FOIL and I would be
    edited, so I stayed on topic of Stratford Politics and/or specific retorts,
    including CALLING YOU LOCAL, to justify staying to LOCAL POLITICS.

    It is not like your retorts are working class male like Mike Reyolds, who has grown
    as a blogger and even shown he enjoys life and has a son in whom he dotes.

    Mike and I will not exchange Chrismas cards. I have really ticked off some of
    the LOCAL JOKERS, too.

    Mike has at least shown capacity to grow, learn, emote, project joy.
    FOS where is you Joy of Life?
    Mine is pressing your buttons. 🙂

    Oooooops, what is that sound in Town Hall and elsewhere in the area?
    It is coming from the Mayor’s office……
    It is coming from certain Stratford homes ….
    It is coming from certain Milford Law firm ….
    They read your pettiness and and my teasing, and your reactions.

    FOS = You have been PUNKED!

    Oh, Jeze >
    Jim Miron = BAD
    Dick Miron = BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD
    Dick Burturla = BAD + GREEDY

    I just wanted to be the one, who never lost FOCUS! 🙂 8) 😉
    I also never editted anyone, nor supported editting anyone who put forward

  84. 84 jezebel282


    That is not “playing nice”.

    “I also never editted anyone, nor supported editting anyone who put forward

    Again? Tell me which blog gave you your own page and created articles for you? Star Trek is not an argument. It’s not like you weren’t asked to keep it relevant, you know. Go over to the other blog and see if they’ll post anything of yours about the CIA/FBI/NSA/USPS.

  85. 85 starlooker


    Please listen….Freedom Of Speech and Justiceforall are 2 different people. My guess is Justiceforall is in law enforcement in Stratford. If you read his posts VERY carefully you can pick up clues. Freedom of Speech states facts that are not the same topic line as justice. Also remember justice does go to the council meetings. Their writing styles are 100% different also. There is no stealing of names because the names are not the same….. Freedom of Speech

  86. 86 citizenkane1

    I have a feeling George may be soon having some problems at Mr. P’s

  87. 87 1george1

    Teasing you.
    Teasing FOS.

    Go with the flow.
    You are incredibly reactive. (good & bad)
    I worry about you being too wound up in this blog.
    I like bantering with you.
    I am not out to hurt anyone.
    Oh, I am against MIRONS / BURTURLAS / NORMS / OTHERS
    whom I can not acronym. 😉 (teasin)
    But I do NOT HATE the LOCALS.

    I think Jimbo is being SET UP for JAIL TIME.


    STAR – I pick up the difference in blog names from one
    of your earlier POSTS.
    You were CORRECT.
    I had NOT noticed.

    Insightful that you noticed that and writing styles.

    I suspect you know “Justice” based on your inference that
    “remember justice does go to the council meetings.”

    My guess is Justiceforall is in law enforcement in Stratford.
    If you read his posts VERY carefully you can pick up clues.


    It appears you are threatening me.

    During Mossman’s years, a relative of a police related Public Official
    did threaten my life.
    During Mossman’s years, people from Johnny’s would come in and
    “talk up the place.” They would invite me over.
    Angelo of Johnny’s sponsors a softball team of many Stratford Police.
    Ricky of Mr. P’s co-sponsored them for awhile.
    I was under surveillance. Great group of guys though. Great guys.
    I rarely talked directly with them, except minimally.

    Since I do no drink, don’t smoke, and do not do drugs, and minded
    my own business, behaving like a gentleman, fighting Mossman within
    the rules, I got feed back that I gained the respect of many in the
    Stratford Police Department.
    They also did not like Mossman.
    Police have made fun of the Loschiavos and Mirons.

    Oct 1998 Mossman’s Police, DEA, & State Police raided Mr. P’s with
    a Warrant for their own INFORMANT who was a BLATANT PIMP & PUSHER.
    The D.A.R.E. car was his, from years before.
    The prior week I had called assistant U. S. Attorney Bob Appleton and told
    him I planned on attending the Trumbull Luncheon put on by TGBRBC at
    the Trumbull Marriott, with ROWLAND & KINNELLY.
    What does the MORON do?
    1) Mr. P’s gets raided, blowing an undercover operation.
    2) Rowland recognizes me at the Lucheon after I raise my hand, as the
    man with ISSUES about DRUG TRAFFIC (By the Government)

    YO –
    A) I never MET Gov ROWLAND
    B) I am not HARD to describe
    C) How would he KNOW one of the TOPICS I would ask?
    (But I double crossed his questioning me in his recognition of me,
    and he tapped danced around my questions better than KINNELY did.)

    In questioning BOTH of them, the audience was COWED
    (as in cowards)


    After Imbro became Police Chief.
    1) Out of Town undercover stopped coming to Mr. P’s
    2) Johnny’s Softball Team slowed coming into Mr. P’s
    3) I spoke to Imbro about being tailed TWICE from Walgreen’s to 1 block
    from my home, by a Black & White of a recent Retiree. Never again.
    4) Deaths slowed down significantly and moreso with Playwrite Blog and
    my website, and my public political positions.

    I have issues with Mike about WHOLE TRUTH and BLUE WALLS.


    I have NO known issue with many of Stratford Police on a personal level
    or a professional level. Different as a Tax Payer, which I am trying to
    protect a good portion of a LOAF, instead of them being set up to LOSE


    LAWYER of the New Owner of Mr. P’s is named THOMAS MULLIGAN.

    Remarkable co-incidence: My dad’s name? THOMAS MULLIGAN.


    I AM and my HOME is and Mr. P’s is under 24/7 surviellance.

    Mr. P’s has cameras inside and out.
    Anyone can educate you that these can be “accessed.”

    Past vehicles had GPS, before they came into vogue.
    If they wanted to kill me, they could do it anytime.

    In 1987, I raised NATIONAL SECURITY ISSUES, to benefit YOU
    (the collective YOU)

    I have been dutiful and honorable to God, Country, Family, Friends,
    Support, and Community


    They know where I live.
    You know where I live.

    If something happens at Mr. P’s. ….

    Bottom line: Despite busting your chops, I work to open your eyes, heart,
    and mind, as well as other readers, including those who would NEVER be
    counted on the clicker.

    There are better alternatives the Spoils Systems in Stratford and Zero Sum
    Budget pilferages or Grand Theft. 😉

  88. 88 jezebel282


    “I worry about you being too wound up in this blog.”

    It beats the hell out of working on this quarterly spreadsheet. As the editor, I am notified via email when someone posts. Makes responding a no brainer.

    “I like bantering with you.”

    Always a pleasure for me too. If I understand it. 😀

    “I think Jimbo is being SET UP for JAIL TIME.”

    I could think of much worse things that could happen to Stratford. Like Jimbo NOT going to jail. You think maybe they have suites that he could share with his dad?

  89. 89 citizenkane1

    Slow down George, take deep breaths. No threat from me, just and observation reguarding YOU “outting” the alledged sexual preference of another person. No CIA SWAT FBI multi jerdictonal task force meeting on George Mulligan here.
    So remember, deep breaths. No SWAT operations today

    10-4? or ROGER THAT?

    Sweatpants 1 over and out.

  90. 90 1george1


    I am notified via email when someone posts. Makes responding a no brainer.

    Always a pleasure for me too. If I understand it.








    What about the quality of mercy?
    What about NOT spilling blood while getting a pound of flesh?
    What about the harm being done to your person, and your soul,
    and your heart, and your mind, and your emotions by these feelings?

    I am not a believer in what goes around, comes around.
    Otherwise the rich people and politician would be in jail and the poor
    people would have better pay and benefits.

    I am a believer in the BIGGER FISH and the FASTER DRAW.
    There are always BIGGER, FASTER, SMARTER….

  91. 91 jezebel282



    It hinders the reading process for everyone else. This is a blog, not a therapy session (although quite a few could use several).

  92. 92 1george1


  93. 93 jezebel282

    Officer Sean actually has a valid point. Two executive sessions to discuss LBW? On it’s face, it is certainly suspicious. I have yet to hear any justification for keeping these discussions from the public.

    It is certainly a disturbing development.

    Officer Sean is, however, wrong about about not notifying the public about this meeting:

    N O T I C E O F S P E C I A L M E E T I N G
    September 2, 2008
    Resolution forthcoming.

    Click to access Agenda.pdf

  94. 94 1george1

    Jeze agreed with Officer Sean?
    “Officer Sean actually has a valid point.
    Two executive sessions to discuss LBW?
    On it’s face, it is certainly suspicious.

    Hell is seeing snowflakes…. 🙂

    “Two executive sessions to discuss LBW?
    On it’s face, it is certainly suspicious.”

    Not as suspicious as the Town Attorney
    negotiating with K. K. P. for NINE MONTHS,
    to craft a 90 Day Agreement, while offering
    a longer period of time….
    K. K. P. failed (per Usual)
    K. K. P. miraculously came up with an Angel,
    with 30 days of their self desired 90 day window?

    Actual, 2 or more executve sessions to discuss
    Negotiations for a Sale / Purchase is not suspicious
    to me, due to ebb and flow of Negotiations.
    1. Counter offers are made.
    2. New information invites new positions.
    3. New inforamtion invites new questions, which require
    more communication and secret negotiations.

    The DEVIL will be in the DETAILS and FINAL PRODUCTS,
    not necessarily in the WORK PRODUCT.

    is a TOWN COUNCIL GENERATED situation and NOT as a
    result of INITIATIVE for REFERENDUM or REFERENDUM, which
    so far could create Legislation, which the PARTIES (as thieves)
    are desparate to curtail.

    They and their hacks will drum up referendum, like starting in
    Bridgeport. Why?
    They want a PUBLIC RESULT to their LIKING and they control the
    voting vehicles, much like the KGB does in RUSSIA or SS in NAZI
    Germany, did.
    The higher Tech, the easier to rig.

    The higher Tech, the less they need local and state Party people
    and Pensioners, who they will BETRAY, and let them hang out to dry
    as being blamed for betrayers of TRUST and DUTY for pieces of Silver!

    That sucking sound has been the local thieves, and will be done at
    an international level, at least 1 year after the new president is in
    office, like the 1993 and 2001 attacks on the WTC co-ordiated and
    allowed by the people who were protecting us in the COLD WAR.

  95. 95 jezebel282


    “Jeze agreed with Officer Sean?”

    It is possible.

    If Officer Sean told me it was daylight at 10 AM (and after I looked out the window to make sure) I would believe him.

  96. 96 freedomofspeach

    I think agree on his observation would be a better analogy to use rather than trust him. Trust requires a lot more then stating obvious facts.

    As far as the comments about transparency and “secret government” meetings brought up by Officesean to feed Georges paranoia, it is a little like the pot calling the kettle black.

    Mr. Mayor (pot) may I introduce you to the town Counsel (kettle)

    First let me state I agree with fully open government. That’s why we have public meetings, and FOIA. However there are some things that all of you should clearly know being as sophisticated as you are, are not in the best interest to be disclosed, and that’s what executive session and exemption from FOIA is for. And for these things I agree need to be kept privileged.

    Miron negotiated a contract and scope of work with BL for the report on the theater without anyone even knowing it. The 1,000 plus page report costs have never been published, but my guess around $30,000 or more. Yes this was done in secret with the town attorney. Then disregarding the Mayors commissioned report stating that it may cost between $3-$20 million, the Mayor agrees to turn over a town asset to a guy who says $2 million will do it. Very strange.

    Also, Miron in his own words “secretly” was in negotiations with Alan Christopher, for two years, according to news reports and quoted statements, even thought there was valid contract with Team Stratford 1, and while in negotiations with TS 2, clearly torturously interfering with a valid contract. As we now know by the court and state records, Mr. Christopher was never on the corporate records as an owner of Hollywood East, and had to be sued to stop doing what he was doing.

    Although clearly secret meetings and negotiations, and in the Hollywood East fiasco meeting with someone who has no corporate power (I think one of the first things they teach in law school should be to negotiate with a decision maker but as a “very competent” lawyer he already should know that) then backing him in a lawsuit is not the smartest thing, these meetings and sessions are legal at least since 1998.

    This is what I have for information, it may have been updated since I last used them. I have edited the statute to remove information that is not relevant to this post and to conserve space.

    Sec. 1-18a. Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings, except where such terms are used in a context which clearly indicates the contrary:

    (1) “Public agency” or “agency” means any executive, administrative or legislative office of the state or any political subdivision of the state and any state or town agency, any department, institution, bureau, board, commission, authority or official of the state or of any city, town, borough, municipal corporation, school district, regional district or other district or other political subdivision of the state, including any committee of, or created by, any such office, subdivision, agency, department, institution, bureau, board, commission, authority or official, and also includes any judicial office, official or body or committee thereof but only in respect to its or their administrative functions.

    (6) “Executive sessions” means a meeting of a public agency at which the public is excluded for one or more of the following purposes: (A) Discussion concerning the appointment, employment, performance, evaluation, health or dismissal of a public officer or employee, provided that such individual may require that discussion be held at an open meeting; (B) strategy and negotiations with respect to pending claims or pending litigation to which the public agency or a member thereof, because of his conduct as a member of such agency, is a party until such litigation or claim has been finally adjudicated or otherwise settled; (C) matters concerning security strategy or the deployment of security personnel, or devices affecting public security; (D) discussion of the selection of a site or the lease, sale or purchase of real estate by a political subdivision of the state when publicity regarding such site, lease, sale, purchase or construction would cause a likelihood of increased price until such time as all of the property has been acquired or all proceedings or transactions concerning same have been terminated or abandoned; and (E) discussion of any matter which would result in the disclosure of public records or the information contained therein described in subsection (b) of section 1-19.

    (8) “Pending claim” means a written notice to an agency which sets forth a demand for legal relief or which asserts a legal right stating the intention to institute an action in an appropriate forum if such relief or right is not granted.

    (9) “Pending litigation” means (A) a written notice to an agency which sets forth a demand for legal relief or which asserts a legal right stating the intention to institute an action before a court if such relief or right is not granted by the agency; (B) the service of a complaint against an agency returnable to a court which seeks to enforce or implement legal relief or a legal right; or (C) the agency’s consideration of action to enforce or implement legal relief or a legal right.

    Sec. 1-19. Access to public records. Exempt records.

    (a) Except as otherwise provided kept on file by any public agency, whether or not such records are required by any law or by any rule or regulation, shall be public records and every person shall have the right to inspect such records promptly during regular office or business hours or to receive a copy of such records in accordance with the provisions of section 1-15. Any agency rule or regulation, or part thereof, that conflicts with the provisions of this subsection or diminishes or curtails in any way the rights granted by this subsection shall be void. Each such agency shall keep and maintain all public records in its custody at its regular office or place of business in an accessible place and, if there is no such office or place of business, the public records pertaining to such agency shall be kept in the office of the clerk of the political subdivision in which such public agency is located or of the Secretary of the State, as the case may be. Any certified record hereunder attested as a true copy by the clerk, chief or deputy of such agency or by such other person designated or empowered by law to so act, shall be competent evidence in any court of this state of the facts contained therein. Each such agency shall make, keep and maintain a record of the proceedings of its meetings.

    (b) Nothing in the Freedom of Information Act shall be construed to require disclosure of (1) preliminary drafts or notes provided the public agency has determined that the public interest in withholding such documents clearly outweighs the public interest in disclosure; (2) personnel or medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute an invasion of personal privacy; (3) records of law enforcement agencies not otherwise available to the public which records were compiled in connection with the detection or investigation of crime, if the disclosure of said records would not be in the public interest because it would result in the disclosure of (A) the identity of informants not otherwise known or the identity of witnesses not otherwise known whose safety would be endangered or who would be subject to threat or intimidation if their identity was made known, (B) signed statements of witnesses, (C) information to be used in a prospective law enforcement action if prejudicial to such action, (D) investigatory techniques not otherwise known to the general public, (E) arrest records of a juvenile, which shall also include any investigatory files, concerning the arrest of such juvenile, compiled for law enforcement purposes, (F) the name and address of the victim of a sexual assault under section 53a-70, 53a-70a, 53a-71, 53a-72a, 53a-72b or 53a-73a, or injury or risk of injury, or impairing of morals under section 53-21, or of an attempt thereof or (G) uncorroborated allegations subject to destruction pursuant to section 1-20c; (4) records pertaining to strategy and negotiations with respect to pending claims or pending litigation to which the public agency is a party until such litigation or claim has been finally adjudicated or otherwise settled; (5) trade secrets, which for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act, are defined as unpatented, secret, commercially valuable plans, appliances, formulas, or processes, which are used for the making, preparing, compounding, treating or processing of articles or materials which are trade commodities obtained from a person and which are recognized by law as confidential, and commercial or financial information given in confidence, not required by statute; (6) test questions, scoring keys and other examination data used to administer a licensing examination, examination for employment or academic examinations; (7) the contents of real estate appraisals, engineering or feasibility estimates and evaluations made for or by an agency relative to the acquisition of property or to prospective public supply and construction contracts, until such time as all of the property has been acquired or all proceedings or transactions have been terminated or abandoned, provided the law of eminent domain shall not be affected by this provision; (8) statements of personal worth or personal financial data required by a licensing agency and filed by an applicant with such licensing agency to establish his personal qualification for the license, certificate or permit applied for; (9) records, reports and statements of strategy or negotiations with respect to collective bargaining; (10) records, tax returns, reports and statements exempted by federal law or state statutes or communications privileged by the attorney-client relationship; (11) names or addresses of students enrolled in any public school or college without the consent of each student whose name or address is to be disclosed who is eighteen years of age or older and a parent or guardian of each such student who is younger than eighteen years of age, provided this subdivision shall not be construed as prohibiting the disclosure of the names or addresses of students enrolled in any public school in a regional school district to the board of selectmen or town board of finance, as the case may be, of the town wherein the student resides for the purpose of verifying tuition payments made to such school; (12) any information obtained by the use of illegal means; (13) records of an investigation or the name of an employee providing information under the provisions of section 4-61dd; (14) adoption records and information provided for in sections 45a-746, 45a-750 and 45a-751; (15) any page of a primary petition, nominating petition, referendum petition, or petition for a town meeting submitted under any provision of the general statutes or of any special act, municipal charter or ordinance, until the required processing and certification of such page has been completed by the official or officials charged with such duty after which time disclosure of such page shall be required; (16) records of complaints, including information compiled in the investigation thereof, brought to a municipal health authority pursuant to chapter 368e or a district department of health pursuant to chapter 368f, until such time as the investigation is concluded or thirty days from the date of receipt of the complaint, whichever occurs first; (17) educational records which are not subject to disclosure under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 USC 1232g.

    (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivisions (1) and (16) of subsection (b) of this section, disclosure shall be required of (1) interagency or intra-agency memoranda or letters, advisory opinions, recommendations or any report comprising part of the process by which governmental decisions and policies are formulated, except disclosure shall not be required of a preliminary draft of a memorandum, prepared by a member of the staff of a public agency, which is subject to revision prior to submission to or discussion among the members of such agency, (2) all records of investigation conducted with respect to any tenement house, lodging house or boarding house as defined in section 19a-355, or any nursing home, home for the aged or rest home, as defined in section 19a-490, by any municipal building department or housing code inspection department, any local or district health department, or any other department charged with the enforcement of ordinances or laws regulating the erection, construction, alteration, maintenance, sanitation, ventilation or occupancy of such buildings, and (3) the names of firms obtaining bid documents from any state agency. (P.A. 57-428, §1; P.A. 63-260; P.A. 67-723, §1; P.A. 69-193; P.A. 71-193; P.A. 75-342, §2; P.A. 76-294; P.A. 77-609, §2; P.A. 79-119; P.A. 79-324; P.A. 79-575, §2; P.A. 79-599, §3; P.A. 80-483, §1; P.A. 81-40, §2; P.A. 81-431, §1; P.A. 81-448, §2; P.A. 83-436; P.A. 84-112, §1; P.A. 84-311, §2; P.A. 85-577, §22; P.A. 90-335, §1; P.A. 91-140, §2; P.A. 94-246, §14; P.A. 95-233; P.A. 96-130, § 37; P.A. 97-47, § 4; P.A. 97-293, § 14).

    Sec. 1-21g. Executive sessions. (a) At an executive session of a public agency, attendance shall be limited to members of said body and persons invited by said body to present testimony or opinion pertinent to matters before said body provided that such persons’ attendance shall be limited to the period for which their presence is necessary to present such testimony or opinion and, provided further, that the minutes of such executive session shall disclose all persons who are in attendance except job applicants who attend for the purpose of being interviewed by such agency.

    (b) An executive session may not be convened to receive or discuss oral communications that would otherwise be privileged by the attorney-client relationship if the agency were a nongovernmental entity, unless the executive session is for a purpose explicitly permitted pursuant to subdivision (6) of section 1-18a. (P.A. 75-342, §11; P.A. 81-431, §5; P.A. 86-226; P.A. 97-47, § 9)

  97. 97 jezebel282


    A posting only a lawyer could love. 😉

    I may be wrong, but why is the Council negotiating anything? Shouldn’t that responsibility fall to, oh I dunno, the mayor? Shouldn’t the Council simply direct the mayor to renegotiate a contract with guarantees of something?

  98. 98 1george1

    As far as the comments about transparency and “secret government”
    meetings brought up by Officesean

    to feed Georges paranoia,

    it is a little like the pot calling the kettle black.

    Mr. Mayor (pot) may I introduce you to the
    town Counsel (kettle)

    Is that the British (upper class) Spelling? 8)

    > Mr. Mayor (pot)
    LET ME INHALE the potential insinuation? 😉
    I forgot, I don’t smoke….
    If there is ambient smoke, is there fire?

    > kettle black
    Kettles come in multiple colors.
    Mine is stainless steel.
    Some are stained steal?

    In the past, cowboy movies identified good guys as white hats
    and bad guys as black hats.
    Of course we have racial connotations, whenever the word black is used.
    Identifing the (Town Counsel) kettle as black,
    places a negative connotation on the word black. 😉

    I am teasing FOS, who when focused, has a good post, even if it is
    a post that “only a Lawyer could love.” (Good QUOTE – JEZE)

  99. 99 freedomofspeach

    I just finished a 5 mile run, so I am a little out of it but wanted to reply.

    George, just bad spell check. And remember George I check “other than Caucasian.”

    Yes the TC should just table anything until HRH comes back with something other than a kiss, a promise, and a trust me. That’s how little surprises are made.

    But in the interest of self preservation on the part of the TC I think they are trying to figure out what the deal is and of course Miron is trying to sell them a bridge. And when your own party calls you a liar, well its pretty sad.

    Like any other land deal, the TC should be involved. Also, since something should go on to referendum, somebody has to figure out what the hell Miron was going to agree to, in order to parse the question.

    Here are some ideas

    1. “should the town sell LBW to the USF&W or any another government entity without the use of an intermediary?”

    2. “should the sale only be transacted if there is guaranteed unrestricted access by the public in perpetuity, without any recourse by the buyer, if a default to this term is caused by any law or regulation now in place or as codified in the future. Such default would automatically revert unrestricted title back to the town as a default of the terms and condition of the sale?’

    3. “should all access regulations and the terms of the sale be made public prior to any sale”

    4. “should the sale only be made after affirmative vote by the taxpayers of Stratford?”

    Easy enough, even a Neanderthal like me could scratch my X in the appropriate box, even if there are a lot of other important things on the ballot.

    I can’t vote but this would be mine,
    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Yes
    4. Yes

  100. 100 1george1

    Troglodyte checking in:

    1. “should the town sell LBW to the USF&W or any another government entity without the use of an intermediary?”

    A) DIRECTLY to F & W.
    B) More money, and NO free ride on interest for 5 years. Make them pay
    yearly and progressively.
    C) Reverter clause (Gavin loved the idea on this blog, months ago) for failure to perform and/or if the People of Stratford (not the parties) want the land back!
    D) Public access, shall not be denied, nor abbridged, except for limited times &
    places conducive to protected species situations.

    2. “should the sale only be transacted if there is guaranteed unrestricted access by the public in perpetuity, without any recourse by the buyer, if a default to this term is caused by any law or regulation now in place or as codified in the future. Such default would automatically revert unrestricted title back to the town as a default of the terms and condition of the sale?’

    A) See # 1

    3. 3. “should all access regulations and the terms of the sale be made public prior to any sale”

    A) Agreed. I failed to make it an issue. I am for Transparency.

    4. 4. “should the sale only be made after affirmative vote by the taxpayers of Stratford?”

    A) Agreed. I am for Public decisions. Even the CT.POST didn’t screw up this Editorial.

    Great minds think alike …. 🙂

    Maybe your ideas were inspired by my prior postings on the issue and / or
    letters to the Editor … 😉
    Oh .. I forgot .. You are not from around here … You don’t see those letters
    to the Editor … And you don’t talk to anyone around here … 8)

  101. 101 jezebel282

    Just to tie up loose ends:

    Question #7 – Shall the Town of Stratford enter into an agreement in the form of the September 2, 2008 Option Agreement with the Trust for Public Land to sell Long Beach West to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service for a minimum of $10,000,000 with a full public access easement reserved for Stratford residents in perpetuity?

    Yes 14,090
    No 8,783

    And for the last time (we hope) this was not a “sale”. It is an exclusive option to purchase with a 5 or more year term. The only ones liable for the removal of the cottages are the taxpayers of Stratford. Let us hope that in 5 or 6 (or more?) years the Trust for Public Land doesn’t come back and say, “Oh well, we tried. Good luck with that.”

  102. 102 1george1


    Burturla stated monday night

    1. that the NEW TOWN CHARTER takes effect DEC 5

    2. that he will have information on the AIRPORT PURCHASE next Council Meeting

    3. that he will have legal opinion on Referendum result of West Long Beach,
    then he corrected the sequence.


    I wonder if those 3 are connected?

    I wonder if everything is on a time table?

    I wonder when the AVCO drama Miron referred to “plays out?”

  103. 103 jezebel282


    1. That should be interesting. Maybe we can all bring some Viagra and leave it on the dais for the councilmen?
    2. Since every politician who ever ran in Stratford has opposed the expansion of the airport, that should be interesting as well.
    3. The misrepresented referendum question?

    Actually, the next Town Attorney will probably spend a good portion of his time issuing contrary opinions to Buturla when he is not referring criminal cases to the State Attorney.

  104. 104 1george1

    By then Governor Amman may have appointed Richard Burturla to become
    the Chief Criminal State’s Attorney and Kent Miller as Attorney General.

    Actually Kent might be a dramatic improvement over schmuck Blue Menthol.

  105. 105 jezebel282


    Now I’m going to have nightmares for a week!

  106. 106 freedomofspeach

    The Attorney General is an elected position in CT. And “short” of being anointed Governor by the masses without having to run for election, Little Dickey Blumenthal is not giving up the position.

    I do not believe Buturla has a great amount of criminal law experience, I could be wrong; however this is a very important prerequisite. I don’t remember him being a state prosecutor.

    And with the amount of ongoing complaints to the FBI and IRS on these guys, I am not so sure that they will be “free” to accept these positions if offered. Hard to name someone to a position who has had an open corruption investgation.

  107. 107 jezebel282



    I’m putting the Ambien back on the shelf.

  108. 108 1george1


    I was kidding Jeze.
    I suspect Jeze might have nightmares – sorry.

    FOS – I appreciate your feed back.
    You do seem knowledgeable about law and circumstances.

    FOS – I can appreciate why you and bloggers get a different opinion
    of me based on my political opinions, reactions, and blog posts.

    Generally I am quiet and content to relax, minding my own business.
    People in government and politics got into my business.
    They use biographic and financial leverage, among other things to
    manipulate people. Control / handling agents prefer M.I.C.E.
    M. Money
    I. Ideology
    C. Compromise (blackmail)
    E. Ego

    I have been in a pitched battle since 1984 with persons unknown.
    Mirons / Burturlas etc – are unjust obstructions

    Can NOT win at National Level
    They hold most of the CARDS at the LOCAL LEVEL.
    Those CARDS are MARKED.

    FOS, if you are a person of Color, you understand the COLOR of the LAW
    and the BLUE WALL and GREEN WALL.

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